The Corporation has invested in businesses and firms, operating across a spectrum of strategic and commercial sectors. These industries include logistics, production, distribution, financial services, information and communications technology, real estate, tourism and leisure. Currently valued at approximately Rs 7bn, the investment portfolio of SIC predominantly features equity investments, alongside a lesser proportion of fixed-income investments.
SIC has put in place a well-structured procedure, engraving a pathway to simplify the decision-making process around investments. This procedure considers critical investment standards, requirements and incorporates balanced risk-taking.
SIC has a consistent and rigorous approach for the selection of investment in its portfolio. The strategy for selection is to conduct an industry-wide macro-analysis of each sector. This enables diversification and mitigation of risks. At a secondary stage, a comprehensive due diligence process and appraisal is carried out on each project by a multi-disciplinary team. Where required, external technical expertise is sought to obtain independent technical advice. Projects are examined by Management and IFAs, evaluated by the Investment Committee and eventually approved by Board.